Understanding the Search Syntax

Page filters

Searches are scoped to the currently selected page filter.
So, given the possible page filters
all ‧ private ‧ public ‧ unread ‧ untagged ‧ starred

If all is currently selected, the search includes all bookmarks

If private is currently selected, the search only includes private bookmarks, etc..

Combine Searches (AND)

Separate terms by a space.
For example, marathon race

Combine Searches (OR)

Put | between each search query. 
For example, marathon|race

Exclude words from your search

Put - in front of a word you want to leave out. 
For example, -car

Search for an exact match

Put a word or phrase inside quotes. 
For example, "tallest building"

Search on a specific field

Put field: in front of the term, where field is one of the options below

Bookmark Search
url url:youtube.com
title title:"hacker news"
description description:surveys
tags tags:learning
after after:12/31/2018
before before:12/31/2019
Note Search
title title:"hacker news"
description description:surveys
after after:12/31/2018
before before:12/31/2019

More Complex Examples

"youtube" in url, and title of "haskell" or title of "python" and after 12/31/2017
url:youtube title:haskell|title:python after:12/31/2017
"hacker news" not in title, and "news", "cnn", "npr" anywhere, or "the guardian" in the description
-title:"hacker news" news|cnn|npr|description:"the guardian"